Welcome to Chronic Sex!

I recently started blogging about sex and relationships over at CreakyJoints. You can follow the links below to get to the posts over there.

You should also check out Cara’s podcast, In Sickness + In Health. The episode where we sat down to talk #chronicsex is here. Jessica Gimeno and I also recently discussed 5 Tips for Dating with Chronic Illness.

Posts on here about sex and relationships can be found here:

Here are also some products and stores that I enjoy or can recommend:

You can find more information on the resources page.
Below you can keep in touch with the #chronicsex hashtag, which you can use to ask me questions, discuss issues, and more!

Chronic Sex is also about Self-Love and Self-Care. Here are some basics to get you started:

I would recommend these two pages first, as they’re great for beginners:

Once you have the basics down, move on to these:




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