Chat Questions: March 30, 2017

Please remember that our chat time is currently:
- 8 PM Eastern (NYC)
- 7 PM Central (Chicago)
- 6 PM Mountain (Denver)
- 5 PM Pacific (Los Angeles)
You are alway welcome to join in after the chat has ended – plenty of people do!
Tonight, we’re going to talk about different forms of self-care.
Q1: Please introduce yourself in a way you’re comfortable sharing
Q2: What are some things that you do to relieve stress?
Q3: Do you feel like you get enough ‘you’ time?
Q4: Do you ever spend alone time working on self-compassion or positive affirmations?
Q5: Do you consider masturbation a part of self-care? Why or why not
Q6: What is the thing you’ve laughed at the hardest recently?
Remember to join us on Twitter using the tag #chronicsex to take part in the conversation. If you don’t use the tag, others can’t see your answers! You’re always welcome to join after the chat has ended as well – we have plenty of people who do this because of life getting in the way.