Fat Acceptance Month 2021 Twitter Chat – Jan 6 @ 8 pm Eastern

A flyer with a light blue border, dark red text, and some kind of red flower with stems image at the top. Text reads: "FAT ACCEPTANCE MONTH 2021 TWITTER CHAT “BABY, STOP RUNNING AROUND!” DATE: WED. JANUARY 6TH, 2021 TIME: 8 P.M EST/5 P.M. PST

A couple of years ago, I was lucky enough to be able to interview Denarii Grace about why she was creating a Fat Acceptance Month. It’s about that time of year again when people start thinking about weight loss more heavily.

Fat Acceptance Month 2021 has a theme: “Gimme a Break!” We’ll be having conversations around rest, relaxation, self-care, the concept of “laziness,” and the harm that toxic productivity does to our souls (if you believe in that sort of thing), minds, and bodies.

For the first (of four) Twitter chats, Denarii will be asking questions about how the concept of productivity has manifested itself in your experiences of diet and weight loss cultures. That first chat is on Wednesday, January 6th, at 8 pm Eastern. Here’s a time zone converter if you need one.

To participate, follow Denarii Grace on Twitter and use the hashtag #FAM2021.