Help a DV Victim Fight Back

Image description: a light purple background with a dark purple DV awareness ribbon “Help a DV victim fight back” with a photo of Katy

If you’ve known me for really any length of time, it’s quite likely that you’ve heard me talk about my best friend Katy.

We had a class together in our sophomore year of college. I remember thinking how cool she was and how much I wanted to be her friend.

Cut to senior year, and I’d succeeded! We lived together on campus, having regular dance parties, supporting each other through the swine flu, and helping each other stay awake during all-nighters.

Through heavy depression, transitioning, and cutting contact with my abusive mother, she has always been there for me.

And she’s been going through it over the last year.

She’s had to flee the home she owns for her safety, spending money both on trying to keep the home her ex is squatting in and keeping herself safe. It’s been unsustainable for a long time, but especially now after 409 days.

Breaking free from abusers is one of the hardest things someone can do, and it shouldn’t have to cost everything she has and more.

Please join me in uplifting Katy, whether that’s offering in-kind support, sharing her story, or donating to her GoFundMe campaign. Every share & donation, no matter how big or small, makes a difference in helping her rebuild her life and continue the legal fight against her ex.

Because everyone should be able to break free from the cycle of abuse and rebuild a life filled with safety, dignity, and hope — but especially someone who has done so much to help others going through abuse and domestic violence.


Sept 2024 update

Since fleeing her home on July 20, 2023, she has spent well over $100,000 trying to stay safe while also fighting litigation brought by her abuser. Her credit cards are maxed out, and she is very nearly at the point of bankruptcy because of this man.

This is a woman has worked as both a domestic violence and sexual violence victim advocate — and a college Title IX coordinator. She does amazing work every single day in higher ed policy around discrimination, opportunities for first-gen students, poverty, and more. She even spoke at SXSW this year on climate change and education.

But, 13 months of fighting is a lot.

Katy’s household bills, including mortgage, are due on September 1st, and she already had no idea how late she would be paying that (~$1800).

She is currently at a meditation retreat for some much-needed rest. I was hoping that she would be able to process some feelings while there and find some healing. But, she checked her email just before disconnecting for the weekend just to see her new legal bill — $4,000 due ASAP.

Ideally, she needs ~$6,000 by the end of this long weekend.

She is so close to the finish line, but needs our help.


What you’ll get in return

I am also offering free coaching to anyone who donates to help Katy.

If you upload a screenshot to my coaching interest form — available from this page — I will provide you with free coaching on any of these topics:

  • Brainstorming and Ideation
  • Identity-Related Coaching
  • Neurodivergent Coaching
  • Disability Doula / Coaching
  • Coaching for Partners
  • Relationship, Sex, and Intimacy Coaching
  • Communication Skills (especially in relationships)
  • Patient Advocacy
  • Planning to speak to children about disability and/or sexuality


Katy’s GFM link


Can’t help out financially?

That’s okay! You can still help! One thing that helps immensely is getting more eyes on this GoFundMe. If you can comment on or share posts that I’ve made (linked below) — or even make your own posts on social media sites — it would really mean a lot.

Here are a few of mine that you can feel free to share:

Thank you so much for considering helping her out.

All my best,